Sunday 11 July 2021

WordPress Page designing


Here are the details -
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(Kindly bookmark this page for accessing your course)

Please see the following video if you're facing any issue in accessing the course -

For any other queries, mail us at



1.Buy Domain

GO to GODaddy and purchase website/Hosting for a month  at 650( 500 domain + hosting linux)

2.Buying the Hosting for unlimited domains

Here is the special link to buy the hosting –

Here is the Coupon for the $95 discount – ACTIONPACKEDBUNDLE
(To host multiple websites go with the baby plan)

3.Install WordPress in Local

If you’re not buying hosting right now then for practicing you can download WordPress on your computer or laptop.
👉 Here is the link to setup WordPress –

Click on Admin button to login to local word press

Click on Visit site to see the website

4.Go to

Go to and click create

Go to the link in it and login with user name and password given der , create with in 7 days and import else it will be deleted
Login URL

5.Wordpress Admin

To access your WordPress’s backend, you’ll have to enter Enter “/wp-admin” as a suffix to your main URL.

6. Join SUpport Group

7.Download the KIt

Subdomain & Hosting

Watch this lesson

Elementor Pro

Download The Kit Here

870+ Ready Made Templates

WordPress Mastery Toolkit E-book

8.Download Element Pro

👉 To download the Elementor & Elementor Pro – Click Here (Don’t update the plugin’s current version as of now as there is some issue with the updated version of the plugin & you might face issues in using the plugin)

👉 To download the Pre-made templates – Click Here

9.Install Elemtor by imorting the plugin

To download the Elementor & Elementor Pro – Click Here (Don’t update the plugin’s current version as of now as there is some issue with the updated version of the plugin & you might face issues in using the plugin)

👉 You can skip this lesson if you’ve already installed the plugin

👉 The recommended theme to use with Elementor is – Astra (Which can be added by going to Appearance -> Themes -> Add New -> Search Astra -> Install & Activate

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